Understanding REST APIs: A Guide for Developers

Anjo Iype Joseph
6 min readAug 25, 2024


In today’s fast-paced digital world, REST (Representational State Transfer) is more than just a buzzword — it’s the backbone of many of the web services we use daily. From social media interactions to shopping online, REST APIs enable different systems to communicate in a seamless, scalable, and efficient manner. I’ve seen firsthand how REST’s simplicity and flexibility can transform a project, making it a go-to choice for developers.

What is a REST API?

REST is an architectural style for designing networked applications. RESTful APIs leverage HTTP requests to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Unlike complex protocols like SOAP, REST is designed to be simple, scalable, and stateless — making it a popular choice for web services.

Why is it Called REST?

Representational State Transfer — a name that might sound complex at first — actually breaks down into three core ideas: Representation, State, and Transfer.

  1. Representation: When you request a resource through a REST API, you’re not getting the resource itself but a representation of it. For instance, when I developed a feature for a user profile page, the server would send back a JSON object containing the user’s details like their name, email, and profile picture. This ‘representation’ of the user allows the client to present the necessary information without needing the whole resource.
  2. State: The term “state” in REST refers to the current situation or condition of the resource as it’s being represented. Each interaction with a REST API involves the client either requesting the current state of a resource or modifying it. However, RESTful services are stateless, meaning that each request from a client to the server must contain all the necessary information for the server to understand and process it. The server doesn’t store any information about the client’s state between requests. This makes REST APIs highly scalable, as the server can handle requests independently, without needing to keep track of past interactions.
  3. Transfer: The “Transfer” part is straightforward — it refers to the actual transmission of these resource representations over the network. Every time a client makes an HTTP request, the representation of the resource’s current state is transferred from the server to the client. This could be a GET request where the client asks for the current state or a POST/PUT request where the client is updating or creating a new state.

Bringing It All Together:

When you combine these three concepts, the idea behind REST becomes clear: it’s a way to interact with resources over a network by transferring representations of their current state. For example, when you’re browsing an e-commerce site and view a product, you’re essentially sending a GET request to the server, which then transfers a representation of that product (including its details, price, and availability) back to you. You’re seeing the product’s current “state” as represented in the JSON or HTML sent by the server.

REST vs. Other Methods

While REST is widely used, other methods also have specific advantages:

1. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

  • Best Suited For: SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is ideal for applications that need strong security and transactional reliability, such as financial services.
  • Example: A bank might use SOAP to ensure secure and reliable online transactions due to its strict standards like WS-Security. Despite its complexity, SOAP remains relevant in industries where data integrity and security are critical.

2. GraphQL

  • Best Suited For: GraphQL is great when clients need to request specific data subsets, especially with complex data relationships.
  • Example: A social media platform might use GraphQL to allow mobile apps to fetch only the necessary user profile data, improving performance. It’s popular in front-end development for its flexibility but can introduce complexity on the server side.

3. gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call)

  • Best Suited For: gRPC excels in high-performance, low-latency communication, particularly in microservices that need to interact efficiently.
  • Example: A real-time chat application might use gRPC for fast communication between services managing messages and notifications. It’s increasingly used in microservices, especially when performance is a priority.

How to Use REST APIs

Using a REST API involves interacting with endpoints via HTTP methods. Here’s a breakdown of the most common methods, along with a simple .NET example:

1. GET (Retrieve a Resource)

  • Use Case: Fetching data from the server.
  • Example: Suppose you have an API that returns a list of books. A GET request to /api/books would retrieve that list.
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public async Task<List<Book>> GetBooksAsync()
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("https://api.example.com/books");

var books = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<List<Book>>();
return books;

2. POST (Create a New Resource)

  • Use Case: Adding new data to the server.
  • Example: To add a new book, you would send a POST request with the book data to /api/books.
public async Task<Book> AddBookAsync(Book newBook)
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("https://api.example.com/books", newBook);

var book = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Book>();
return book;

3. PUT/PATCH (Update an Existing Resource)

  • Use Case: Modifying existing data on the server.
  • Example: To update a book’s details, a PUT request would be sent to /api/books/{id}.
public async Task UpdateBookAsync(int id, Book updatedBook)
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PutAsJsonAsync($"https://api.example.com/books/{id}", updatedBook);

4. DELETE (Remove a Resource)

  • Use Case: Deleting data from the server.
  • Example: To remove a book, you would send a DELETE request to /api/books/{id}.
public async Task DeleteBookAsync(int id)
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.DeleteAsync($"https://api.example.com/books/{id}");

When to Use REST

RESTful APIs offer compelling benefits that make them the go-to choice for many applications. Here’s a practical example and reasons why REST stands out:

Real-Life Example: E-Commerce Platform

Let’s say you’re building an e-commerce platform where users can browse products, add items to their cart, and complete purchases. Here’s why REST might be your best bet:

Why Use REST for This E-Commerce API?

  1. Simplicity and Ease of Use
    - What It Brings: REST APIs use standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, which align well with common operations like fetching product details, adding items to a cart, or updating order status. This makes the API easy to design and integrate.
    - Example: A GET request to /api/products retrieves a list of products, while a POST request to /api/orders creates a new order. This straightforward approach simplifies both development and usage.
  2. Scalability
    - What It Brings: The stateless nature of REST means that each request is independent. This allows the e-commerce platform to handle high volumes of traffic efficiently, as servers don’t need to maintain session state between requests.
    - Example: During peak shopping times, such as Black Friday, REST APIs can scale to handle numerous simultaneous requests without the overhead of session management, unlike stateful services.
  3. Flexibility and Interoperability
    - What It Brings: REST APIs are versatile and can be consumed by different types of clients, such as web browsers, mobile apps, or even third-party services. This flexibility is crucial for reaching a broad audience.
    - Example: Your e-commerce API can be used by a web app for desktop users and a mobile app for on-the-go shopping, all while ensuring consistent functionality across platforms.
  4. Performance and Efficiency
    - What It Brings: REST APIs can implement caching strategies to improve performance. For instance, frequently accessed data like product details can be cached to reduce server load and response times.
    - Example: Implementing HTTP caching for product information means that repeated requests for the same product details are served quickly from the cache, reducing server strain and enhancing user experience.
  5. Wide Adoption and Community Support
    - What It Brings: REST APIs can implement caching strategies to improve performance. For instance, frequently accessed data like product details can be cached to reduce server load and response times.
    - Example: Implementing HTTP caching for product information means that repeated requests for the same product details are served quickly from the cache, reducing server strain and enhancing user experience.


REST APIs have become the backbone of modern software development due to their simplicity, scalability, and flexibility. I’ve seen how effectively REST can solve complex problems in various industries. Understanding when and how to use REST — and its alternatives — can significantly impact the success of your projects.

Let’s connect and discuss how RESTful architecture can drive innovation in your next project!



Anjo Iype Joseph

Fullstack developer | Microsoft certified | Sitecore certified https://anjoiype.com